Town of Granby Grant

The Town of Granby (ToG) appreciates all grant requests for the current year cycle. All applications will be reviewed; however, please keep in mind that funds are limited. Please read the requirements carefully to ensure that your application is in compliance and complete. Be specific and concise in your answers.

Grant Deadline: December 1st


Info & Guidelines

  • The ToG will make funding decisions at their November/December Board meeting and all applicants will be notified of funding decisions by the end of the year. Please realize that it takes several days to reach all agencies.
  • The ToG supports nonprofits that provide programs or services that are loctaed in Granby or serve Granby residents in the areas of arts and culture, health and human services, environment, education and amateur sports.
  • Applicants for funding should be tax exempt under the provisions of section 501(c)(3) and 170 (b)(1)(A)(i.V.I.) of the Internal Revenue Code. Other not-for-profit entities or groups demonstrating a need will also be considered.
  • The ToG will fund specific projects and programs that have measurable results (evidence of product, change in number of, etc.). Operational funding requests will be considered; however, the ToG are not in the practice of providing sustaining funds (multiple year commitments) to organizations.
  • The ToG appreciates and encourage collaborative agency grant requests.
  • The ToG will not participate in any political campaign on behalf of any issues or candidates.
  • Organizations receiving funding in the past must have current progress and/or Final Reports on file in order to be eligible for funding during this cycle. Reports should include photos or digital pictures of projects. Please submit Final Reports as separate documentation. Current year’s Final Reports are due on or before October 15th for the following year’s cycle.
  • If an organization receives duplicate funding for a request, the ToG funds must be returned.
  • The ToG makes grant decisions once during the year. Distribution of funds will be made to the recipients as the funds are needed.
  • Requests not following the Application Guidelines will not be considered for funding.
  • Request for programs or projects already completed will not be considered for funding. The ToG will not fund items purchased before the grant is awarded.

All funding decisions by the ToG are to be considered final. Any changes to funding decisions must be discussed and reviewed with the ToG prior to any changes.


The application should be submitted according to the instructions on the online platform. Questions should be directed to Amy Hoover, Grants Manager at the Grand Foundation — 970-887-3111, Ext. 2